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Participation in Clinical Trials

Participation in Clinical Trials

Nagoya University Hospital, together with five other university hospitals in Japan, is conducting a clinical trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of a medical device under development, the Cardiac Correction Net, using test equipment manufactured by iCorNet Laboratories, Inc. We are working on clinical trials to investigate the efficacy and safety of the heart shape corrective net, a medical device under development.

We are preparing to recruit patients who understand this clinical trial and are willing to participate in it, so if you are interested, please contact us at "Inquiries".

expand_more Inquiry for Clinical Trial Participation

For dilated cardiomyopathy
Taylor Made Method
Heart Shape Correction Net
(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
Exploratory Physician-Initiated Clinical Trials

Basic Information

state of progress Preparing to accept participants
target disease non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy
Test start date (tentative) May 16, 2022
Target number of cases 5 cases
Countries where clinical research is conducted Japan
Type of research intervention study
Intervention Description To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a tailor-made cardiac shape correction net, developed to prevent the progression of left ventricular remodeling, in dilated cardiomyopathy patients with left ventricular dilatation at 24 weeks postoperatively.

Examination Details

Primary Endpoint Safety assessment: adverse events from surgery to 24 weeks postoperatively, failure of study equipment
Efficacy evaluation: exercise tolerance at 24 weeks postoperatively (cardiopulmonary exercise test: Peak VO2)
secondary endpoint 1) Evaluation of improvement in cardiac function and prevention of left ventricular remodeling
2) Exercise tolerance
3) Cardiac-related events up to 24 weeks postoperatively

target disease

Age (lower limit) Over 20 years old
Age (upper limit) Under 75 years old
gender both men and women
selection criteria 1) Patients who have given written consent to participate in the clinical trial of their own free will
2) Patients who are at least 20 years old and less than 75 years old at the time of obtaining consent.
3) Patients with persistent heart failure symptoms despite optimal medical therapy (ACE inhibitors, ARBs, diuretics, beta-blockers, oral inotropic agents, SGLT2 inhibitors, ARNI, HCN channel inhibitors, etc.) for heart failure for at least 3 months at the time of consent and no improvement in symptoms with current therapy.
4) Patients with NYHA classification IIm to IV and Level 4 to 7 of INTERMACS Profile
5) Patients with LVEDD ≥ 60 mm or LVEDDi ≥ 30 mm/m2 on echocardiography
6) Patients with LVEF ≤ 351 TP3T on echocardiography
7) Patients with Peak VO2 of 7.0 to 16.0 mL/kg/min on cardiopulmonary exercise stress test
8) Patients who can undergo cardiac MRI or contrast-enhanced cardiac CT scan and cardiac catheterization for the manufacture of investigational devices
9) Patients who are willing to undergo follow-up examinations and observations and are able to visit the implementing medical institution.
exclusion criteria 1) Patients with excessively enlarged heart (LVEDD > 90 mm on echocardiography)
2) Patients with severely impaired left ventricular function (LVEF < 101 TP3T on echocardiography)
3) Patients planning to undergo concomitant surgery such as mitral valve replacement, mitral valvuloplasty, tricuspid valvuloplasty, etc.
4) Patients with a history of previous cardiac surgery. However, this does not apply to patients with pericardial effusions and minimal pericardial adhesions, and patients who have undergone pacemaker therapy using a transvenous lead (ICD, CRT-P, CRT-D) for 3 months.
5) Patients being treated with other cardiac treatment devices such as IABP, ECMO, etc. or scheduled for other cardiac surgical procedures
6) Patients who have had acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina pectoris, or who have undergone PCI or transmyocardial laser revascularization within 3 months prior to obtaining consent, or who are candidates for such procedures
7) Patients with NYHA Classification IV and indication for artificial heart device and patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation
8) Patients with diastolic phase hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
9) Patients with active infection
10) Patients with a history of cerebrovascular disorder (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.) within 3 months prior to obtaining consent
11) Patients with severe bleeding tendency or blood coagulation disorder (patients with contraindication to antithrombotic therapy)
12) Patients with malignant diseases with poor prognosis such as advanced cancer
13) Patients with severe dementia, drug addiction, or alcoholism
14) Patients with severe allergies
15) Pregnant or lactating patients, or patients who cannot consent to contraception during the clinical trial
16) Patients participating in other interventional trials
17) Other patients, such as patients with last-stage heart failure with increased surgical risk, patients with severe hepatic dysfunction, renal failure, or pulmonary function problems, for whom the investigator or subinvestigator determines that participation in the study is inappropriate.

medical expenses not covered by insurance

Uninsured combined medical care expenses
presence or absence
None (Patients are not responsible for any direct medical costs associated with the implantation of the investigational device.)

Related Information

principal investigator Masato Rokka
Name of organization providing research funds, etc. AMED Bridging Research Seeds C

Contact for Inquiries

person in charge (of an area of work, but not necessarily supervising other staff) Toshiaki Akita (Clinical Trial Coordinator)
Organization Nagoya University Hospital
Department heart surgery
postal code 466-8550
address (e.g. of house) 65 Tsurumai, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
E-mail takita@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp


Contact Us

About the Cardiac Support Net treatment and,
Clinical trials, etc.
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries.
