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List of Past Articles


Selected for the JETRO Innovation Program (JIP) Boston Program "Bio/Healthcare CourseThis program provides mentoring for building business models for overseas expansion, and networking and matching opportunities with overseas investors and business partners.


At the 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery, Toshiaki Akita, Professor of Nagoya University Hospital, presented "The Mid-term Clinical Results of First in Human Study of Patient-Specific Cardiac Support Net (PS-CSN) for Dilated Cardiomyopathy -PS-CSN attenuates mechanical dyssynchrony by systolic left PS-CSN attenuates mechanical dyssynchrony by systolic left ventricular support.


Selected as one of three companies to be supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Advanced Medical Device Acceleration Project (AMDAP).


The Nagoya University Investigational Review Board (IRB) approved the "Physician-Initiated Clinical Trial of Taylor Made Cardiac Shape Correction Net for Dilated Cardiomyopathy".


Toshiaki Akita (Professor, Nagoya University Hospital, Nagoya, Japan) presented "First in human study of Patient- Specific Cardiac Support Net for dilated cardiomyopathy" at the 35th European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Annual meeting (Barcelona, Spain). Specific Cardiac Support Net for dilated cardiomyopathy" at the 35th European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Annual meeting (Barcelona, Spain).


Toshiaki Akita, President of EOY 2021 Japan, was selected as one of the 9 candidates to represent the Tokai and Hokuriku regions.


Our company's "Research and Development of Defibrillation Cardiac Net Formation Technology Using Conductive Fibers" has been selected for the New Aichi Creative Research and Development Grant for fiscal year 2021.


The AMED Bridge Research Program PreC has selected Toshiaki Akita (Nagoya University Hospital) as the Principal Investigator and Sumio Sugiyama (Director, iCorNet Research Institute, Inc.) as the Research and Development Director for the "Exploratory Physician-Initiated Clinical Trial of a Taylor-Made Heart Shape Correction Net for Dilated Cardiomyopathy". Together with the Department of Advanced Medical Development, Nagoya University School of Medicine, we will work toward the implementation of an exploratory investigator-initiated clinical trial.


Our company was introduced in a feature article in Weekly Toyo Keizai magazine titled "Boiling! / Medical Tech Venture" in Weekly Toyo Keizai magazine.


We have completed Series B financing (¥210 million from 7 companies) to fund exploratory clinical trials.

[List of underwriters for Series B round (in no particular order)

Nagoya Small and Medium Business Investment & Consultation Co,

Shizuoka Capital,

DVX Corporation,

(AMCO Inc,

(Kondo Research Institute Co,

Two other companies


Toshiaki Akita (Representative Director) spoke at the 2nd Kyoto University Life Science Showcase @UCSA (University California San Diego).


The third case of the "Clinical Trial of Taylor-Made Cardiac Shape Correction Net for Dilated Cardiomyopathy," a clinical research project conducted under the Clinical Research Act, has been successfully completed at Nagoya University Hospital. The planned three cases have been completed and recruitment has been closed.

We will work toward clinical trials in the future.


Short- and Mid-term Outcomes of Taylor Made Cardiac Support Net Therapy for Dilated Cardiomyopathy" was presented by Toshiaki Akita (Nagoya University Hospital, Specially Appointed Professor) at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (Kyoto).


Selected by J-Startup Central, Cabinet Office, as a startup company participating in the Cabinet Office Acceleration Program.


Received the Chubu New Business Conference and CNB Venture Award 2020 Excellence Prize (Nago Campus Award).


Toshiaki Akita presented "Painless Epicardial Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Net System With Electric Akita presented "Painless Epicardial Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Net System With Electric Conductive Fibers" at the American Heart Association meeting and received the Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award.


At the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery (chaired by Professor Akihiko Usui, Nagoya University) Symposium "Surgical Treatment of Severe Heart Failure," Toshiaki Akita, Specially Appointed Professor of Cardiac Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine, presented "The role of Taylor-made cardiac shape correction net therapy for dilated cardiomyopathy (LVEF < 35%), The results of two clinical studies were presented.


Heart Shape Correction Net was selected as a "Product Subject to the Pioneering Review System" by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.


The "Research and Development of System Construction to Improve Productivity in Cardiac Support Net Manufacturing" was selected for the New Aichi Creative Research and Development Grant for FY2020.


The second case of implantation in the clinical study was performed.


A press release was issued regarding the first clinical research case.


The first clinical research case implantation surgery was performed.


Moved into Room 204,205 of the Nagoya Medical Engineering Collaboration Incubator facility.


Research and development of a tailor-made cardiac support net therapy for patients with severe heart failure" was selected for the New Aichi Creative Research and Development Grant (15,340,000 yen for the grant-funded research).


Development of Cardiac Support Net with Painless Defibrillation Function" has been selected for the Aichi Science and Technology Foundation, Joint Research and Dissemination of Research Results, Joint Research Promotion Project, Project to be implemented from 2008 to 2019 (7 million yen x 2 years).


A 150 million yen third-party allotment of new shares was made to Nissay Capital Corporation. The Company will accelerate research and development of "Cardiac Support Net Therapy for Dilated Cardiomyopathy," conduct clinical research and investigator-initiated clinical trials, and aim for regulatory approval of the drug for dilated cardiomyopathy.


Development of a tailor-made cardiac support net for severe heart failure" (Department of Cardiac Surgery, Nagoya University) has been selected for a research and development grant (10 million yen/year x 3 years) for medical devices by the Terumo Foundation for Life Science and Arts. The clinical research is scheduled to be implemented in 2008.


We have been selected for the fiscal year 2008 supplementary subsidy for supporting innovative manufacturing, commerce, and service development (grant amount: 4,138,530 yen). We will work to significantly shorten design and manufacturing lead times and reduce costs for cardiac support nets.


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